Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Wedding plans

Are you all ready for the Royal Wedding?  Sad I missed the NBC coverage tonight about the Royal Wedding but hopefully can find it out there somewhere.  Guess I am going to get up early in the AM to watch as much as I can on TODAY Show.  Any guesses on Kate's dress?  Still such a secret that it's got to be ahmazing!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I thought the Internet was right

I hate when companies post the wrong information about their stores.  I arrived at a store thinking it was going to be open and it wasn't.  ARGHHH!  Change of plans then guess I'll go tomorrow.  Stopped by ULTA today and everyone has been raving about the butter LONDON nail polish, but I did not see a color I thought I needed.  Also I did not think that the bottle design was all that cool.  Still waiting on the new Pirates collection from OPI.  I can't decide on which colors I want, but they are are very cool.

Here we go

Well, I decided to start a blog.  Just random things that I am thinking about, books I am reading, and of course my obsession with painting my nails.  Not quite sure how often I will post, definitely not daily because I never seem to have that much time lol.